Brian Leonard

Realtor® RE/MAX Results, The Leonard Team, Certified Relocation Specialist

From The Leonard Team and RE/MAX Results, Brian has a wealth of knowledge about real estate. With 18+ years of REALTOR, Architectural and construction experience, he is well-equipped to help clients through the buying, selling, or home building process.

Minnesota Public Schools are ranked among the top in the US. The Wayzata School District (284) is one of the most sought after districts in the entire state. St. Michael / Albertville is also ranked up there as well. When we have relocation clients come here from out of state, they quickly see what a great school system we have. And the facilities are second to none.

Agent Location

Agent Details

Metro Area: Minnneapolis

Counties/Cities: Hennepin, Wight, Sherburne, Anoka Counties

School Districts:
  • Wayzata (284)
  • Osseo (279)
  • Robbinsdale (281)
  • Elk River (728)
  • St. Michael/Albertville (885)
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