Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technhology (TJHSST) is currently ranked as the # 1 High School in Virginia and the #2 High School in the Nation.

How to have the best chance to get into Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST)
Amy worked hard in school
A few years ago, I remember my young neighbor Amy coming back from middle school later than most middle school kids in the neighborhood. I asked her if she was in after-school programs and she said that she came home later because she attended Carson MS instead of our neighborhood-assigned middle school.
A few years later, she had to get up even earlier and come home even later than her High School friends in the neighborhood because she was attending Thomas Jefferson High School. Now I realize that she was following in her brother’s footsteps and pursuing a Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) path toward college.