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Fairfax County Elementary Schools: Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA)

When you were a kid in school, do you remember acting out the Thanksgiving story?  Or building a “real” volcano?

CETA - Changing Education Through the Arts

The CETA – Changing Education Through the Arts program enhances children’s education.

Of course you remember, because you had a chance to live them, rather than simply read (or be told) about them.  That’s the power of multi-sensorial learning strategies.

Thankfully, the well-known Kennedy Center, based in Washington, D.C., offers an in-depth program to incorporate multi-sensorial learning strategies into schools.  Their program is called Changing Education Through the Arts (CETA)

What is Changing Education Through the Arts – CETA?

You can best see CETA in action in this very cool video, shot at Abingdon Elementary School in Arlington County (Arlington is adjacent to Fairfax County): Continue Reading…

Why you should choose a High School Boundary first

To understand High School boundaries and their relationship with the middle and elementary schools, let’s start by defining the concept of School Pyramids, as they are used in the Fairfax County Public Schools district.

What are School Pyramids?

Fairfax County School PyramidsSchool Pyramids are a way to group schools for administrative purposes.

Most School Pyramids in Fairfax County have one High School, one Middle School, and about six Elementary Schools.  These eight or nine schools all belong to the same School Pyramid.

For example, let’s look at the Oakton Pyramid and the schools that comprise it:

  1. Oakton HS
  2. Carson MS
  3. Crossfield ES
  4. Fox Mill ES
  5. Mosby Woods ES
  6. Navy ES
  7. Oakton ES
  8. Waples Mill ES

How are School Pyramids different from School Boundaries?

In practice, School Pyramids do not translate directly into School Boundaries. Continue Reading…

Fairfax County Schools: The VIP awards 2013

“I got the job, and we’re moving to Fairfax County!”, said Harry. Sally was excited to hear the news but apprehensive at the same time.  She had moved several times before and it was always so stressful… were there any good Fairfax County schools for their 4 children?

She scoured the web and found that Fairfax County had a select number of schools that were recently in the news for having won a “VIP award”.  That sounded like a great thing, but… what exactly is a VIP award?

The Virginia Index of Performance (VIP) awards

Rocky Run Middle School won the highest award

Rocky Run Middle School earned the highest VIP award

The VIP awards are earned by a few schools in Virginia who meet high standards of learning and who achieve excellence goals established by the Governor and the Board.

The awards are divided into three levels:

  1. The Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence,
  2. The Board of Education Excellence Award, and
  3. The Board of Education Distinguished Achievement Award.

The Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence

To win the Governor’s Award for Educational Excellence, a school or division must meet all State and Federal achievement benchmarks for two consecutive years and achieve all applicable excellence goals that the Board and the Governor have designated.

This year, there were only 2 schools in the entire State of Virginia who earned this award, and one of them is Rocky Run Middle School in Fairfax County.

About Rocky Run Middle School  Continue Reading…

Fairfax County High School Rankings: IB vs AP

When choosing a high school, either for a current high-schooler or for the future, there are several considerations.  One consideration which is in almost every parent’s mind is: How good is the school?

And, well, “good” is quite a subjective measure

But when they say “good”, most parents are referring to how much their children will be challenged to reach their highest potential.

Children love to be challenged (IB vs AP)

Children love to be challenged

One way to ensure that children have the opportunity to be challenged is by attending a high school offering a high-level program of courses.  Two of those programs are the Advanced Placement program (AP), and the International Baccalaureate (IB).  Continue Reading…

Fairfax County High School Rankings – by 2011 SAT scores

SAT scores are one measure to get Fairfax County High School Rankings

SAT scores are one measure to get Fairfax County High School Rankings

Most of us, at one point in time, have set a goal to lose some weight.   And the goal is not so much to lose “some” weight, but usually, the goal is a measurable goal. It’s usually: “to fit in my skinny jeans”, or better yet, “to lose 21.5 lbs. by Thanksgiving”.

Setting measurable goals is very important if one is determined to succeed

Setting measurable goals (and measuring them periodically) allows us to see our progress and to figure out how much do we still have to work to achieve our goal.

One of the ways high school students measure their progress toward being ready for college is their SAT score

SAT tests are standardized tests, and are administered by The College Board. The purpose of the SATs is to measure a student’s proficiency and readiness for college.  Most colleges require prospective students to provide their SAT score as part of their admissions package.

Average SAT scores can be used to compare high schools

At the high school level, the average SAT score for the school is one way to compare how well one high school prepares their students for college.  When we review the Average SAT scores by high school, it gives us a parameter to help us compare high schools.

Below is a table ranking all of the Fairfax County High Schools by their average 2011 SAT test results.   It’s important to note that, this year, there were 9 schools (out of 26) that improved their scores from last year’s (2010) average, and their improvement is noted in the last column. Continue Reading…

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