The Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests are 32 standardized tests administered at all public schools in the State of Virginia.

The Virginia Standards of Learning (SOL) tests are one way to compare schools
These tests are useful to see how well a school scored compared to its district’s average. The way the scores are reported is by indicating the percentage of students who passed the test.
For example, a “90” on the Math test means that 90% of the students who took the test, passed it.
These passing rates are one way to identify schools with high academic scores; they are also a useful tool to compare one school vs. another.
This is why we compiled the Fairfax County Public Schools Ranking (by SOL pass rates).
How did we come up with this Fairfax County Public Schools Ranking?
The process was simple (but time-consuming):
- First, we downloaded a spreadsheet with detailed pass rates for each of the 200+ schools in Fairfax County (from the Virginia Department of Education’s website).
- Next, for each school’s spreadsheet, we averaged the school’s passing rate in each of the 5 tests administered. This gave us an overall average for the school.
- Then, we recorded each school’s average on the SOL pass rate comparison table.
Here is the Average SOL pass rate table (using test results from the 2011-2012 school year).

See where your favorite schools are
To see more details of where each of these schools are, make a note of the High School Pyramid (on the third column of the table) and click on the respective boundary on The Fairfax County Map of High School boundaries (remember to log in first!)
Access the Fairfax County Map of School Boundaries
Access the Fairfax County Map of School Boundaries (a.k.a the Affordability Map) to see the location of each of the most UP-TO-DATE boundaries within Fairfax County and to choose your ideal boundary.
When you access the Fairfax County Map of School Boundaries, you will find:
- UP-TO-DATE School boundaries
- Photos and videos
- Highlights of the area covered by each boundary
- Transportation options
- Statistics about housing
- School rankings for schools in each boundary
More Fairfax County Public Schools Ranking Resources
- The Ultimate Ranking© of Fairfax County High Schools (using SOL pass rates, SAT scores, and The Challenge Index®)
- Download a PDF version of this table (coming soon)
If you haven’t subscribed yet, why wait?
Downloading The No-Tears Guide to Moving to Fairfax, VA is free, and you’ll get access to our unique home-search (by school boundary).
Plus, you get the Fairfax County Real Estate Affordability Map, AND access to detailed information about each Fairfax County School boundary.
*** Once you subscribe to The No-Tears Guide, then log in. After logging in, come back to this page to see the entire table of 200+ Fairfax County Public Schools Ranking (by SOL pass rates).***