It’s the beginning of the fall season and your favorite apparel store is having a sale. You promptly go in and buy yourself a few key pieces to enhance this season’s wardrobe. But when you get home, there isn’t much space in your closet – so you re-organize your closet so that all your clothes fit better. Each year, school districts find themselves in the predicament of having to re-organize their attendance areas so that their schools’ enrollment are evenly distributed.
Fairfax County School Boundaries: How often do they change?
Why Zillow’s values have a 7.1% margin of error

Apollo 11 Landing on the Moon
On July 20th, 1969, the Apollo 11 landed on the Moon. This feat was extraordinary for many reasons, one of which is the accuracy of the calculations which allowed the spacecraft to reach its intended target.
What would have happened if the calculations weren’t exact, but rather a close approximation? Would a 1% margin of error made a big difference? How about a 10% or even a 25% margin of error?
Selling or buying a house isn’t as complicated as landing on the Moon
But… wouldn’t you want to have the most accurate information regarding the value of a house? What if the value that is being quoted is off by 10% or even 25%? Continue Reading…
The 3 most common school ranking systems
When Kathy decided to move her family to Fairfax County, she wanted the right school for her children. She started with comparing SAT scores for high schools and she chose her top 3 schools. But she noticed that the language immersion program that she wanted for her children wasn’t offered in any of those high schools.
Would she be able to find the best of both worlds in a school? Her desired special language program and great school rankings?
What is a school ranking? Continue Reading…
How to choose your top 2 Fairfax school pyramids
When Kathy’s husband was transferred back to the DC area after an assignment abroad, their kids were in elementary school and middle school. Since the children were fluent in French, she was hoping to continue their bilingual education through a special program throughout their K-12 years.
Fairfax County Public Schools are organized into pyramids
School pyramids are simply a way to organize schools. The top of the pyramid is the high school, then one or two middle schools; and the base of the pyramid is made up of several “feeder” elementary schools.
How Fairfax County schools pyramids affect your home search
Have you ever seen those beautiful, impressive structures of ancient Mexico that are made out of rock, are wide at the base, have four sides to them and end at a point? Those are called pyramids. Well, school pyramids in Fairfax County VA are bit like them. Wide at the base and pointy at the top. But they’re not made out of rock. They’re simply a concept.
A school pyramid is a concept used in the Fairfax County Schools system
In the Fairfax County schools system, a pyramid has several elementary schools which feed onto a couple of middle schools. And the middle schools feed onto one high school. This way, each pyramid has a high school at the “point” of the pyramid, then one or two middle schools in the middle of the pyramid, and about 8 elementary schools forming the base of the pyramid. Continue Reading…