Where did the year go?
It’s the end of 2013 and we’re excited to share with you the top 3 articles that were of most interest to you, our readers.
Here are the top 3 “most read” articles (by number of page views). You’ll want to enjoy them again, so here they are:
Fairfax County High Schools: The Ultimate Ranking ©
This article contains a table with the compilation of 3 different rankings, and an overall ranking assigned to each high school (The Ultimate Ranking ©)
From this table, it is clear that Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology is a superb school, which is why perhaps another popular article is this:
How to get into Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST)
Getting into the best high school in Northern Virginia takes a lot of preparation. This article summarizes the process for applying to Thomas Jefferson High School.
And the next article, also a popular one, identifies which middle schools have the most students accepted into TJHHST:
The Top 3 Middle Schools for getting into Thomas Jefferson HS (TJHHST)

How to have the best chance to get into Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology (TJHSST)
Of 3,121 students who applied to TJHSST only 480 were admitted. These Top 3 Middle Schools supplied over 1/3 of the admitted students.
And, where did the kids who attended these 3 middle schools go during their elementary years? If these kids didn’t switch school boundaries, most of them might have attended elementary schools in the same school pyramid.
The following article, with Elementary School Rankings, is the 4th most popular article by page views (yes, I know you were only expecting the Top 3 articles… 😉 ), but definitely a good one to read as well:
The Top 20% Elementary Schools in Fairfax County
If you are into numbers, then this article is right up your alley. This article has a table with 35 elementary schools.
These elementary schools are the ones with the highest Standards of Learning test (SOL) passing rates.
Stay tuned for updated ratings in 2014!
As you may imagine, keeping all these rankings updated is a LOT of work.
But don’t worry, to help you with your school and home search, we’ve been hard at work updating our spreadsheets so that we can present to you the compiled tables with the most up-to-date ratings.
Expect an update in the next couple of weeks.
May you have a Happy, Healthy, and Highly Ranked 2014
We are delighted to have you as a reader and we look forward to working with you this coming year.
Best wishes from the Home by School Team!