Are Foreclosures in Fairfax, VA a good deal?

It’s like buying a new iPad on eBay.  eBay has pretty good deals, but when the demand is high, as it is the case with a new iPad, chances are, the “deal” won’t be much better than buying the iPad directly at the Apple store.  Sometimes, when demand is high for certain products, it’s hard to find a good deal.

When demand is high, prices are stable

When demand is high, prices are stable

Let’s see what brand-new iPads have to do with foreclosures in Fairfax County, VA: Continue Reading…

How to choose an elementary school with gifted programs

Fairfax County Schools has four levels of gifted programs

Gifted programs at Fairfax Schools

Last school year, I helped Andy find a home by school boundary. To start, Andy wanted a school that would be a good fit for all her children, so she had certain characteristics for the ideal school in mind. One of her children was very advanced in academics, another one seemed to want to follow in her sister’s footsteps and the third one was happier enjoying the regular pace of school.

Andy wanted all of her kids to attend the same school, if possible, so she asked me if there were some schools that offered “Gifted Programs” along with the traditional programs.

What kinds of gifted programs are available in Fairfax County Schools? Continue Reading…

How Caveat Emptor affects you (or what does “buyer beware” mean in Virginia)?

Homes don't come with a Money Back Guarantee

Homes don't have guarantees

Caveat Emptor is a word translated from the Latin language which means “Buyer beware”.  In the past, the term Caveat Emptor was used for any product sold or bought where it was the responsibility of the buyer of an item to determine whether it was suitable for his purposes.  Nowadays, it is usually used in Real Estate transactions to mean that buyers must do their homework before buying a home because the seller is not guaranteeing anything about it. Continue Reading…

Equal Housing Opportunity & Finding a Home by School District

Rosa Parks Bus

Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat

In 1955, Rosa Parks broke the status quo and refused to give up her seat on the bus to make room for a white passenger.  Since then, many laws have been enacted to avoid discrimination of any person in the United States.

The Fair Housing Law

One such law is the Fair Housing Law of 1968 which aims to protect all people from discrimination based on their race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, or familial status.  These are called “protected classes” and they are the ones covered at the Federal level.  In addition, States and localities may add their own protected classes. Continue Reading…

Are you only researching on GreatSchools when choosing a school?

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

Don't throw the baby out with the bathwater

Have you ever heard the saying “throwing the baby out with the bathwater”? Legend says that in the past, families only bathed once in a while – and every member of the family got to do it inside the same tub of water.

Dad had the first turn, then Mom, then the kids, and lastly – the baby. By then, the water was not exactly clear and it was easy for whomever was throwing the water out not to see the baby in it.

When you are choosing a school, if you aren’t looking at the important points, you might very well be missing them; and throwing out the opportunity to have your kids attend a good school – and buying the dream home for your family. Continue Reading…

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