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Reston VA ranks #7 in Best Places to Live

Extra!  Extra!  Money magazine has come up with their 2012 list of Best Places to Live.  This year, Money Magazine ranked Reston, VA # 7 in their Top 100 list of best small cities.

Money's America's Best Places to Live

Best Places to Live

What made Money rank Reston so high up on their Top 100 list?

Like last year, I presume that a computer sifted through census designated places and figured out which of these places had highly desirable qualities.   Last year, their computer algorithm ranked a community just next door to Reston, Oakton VA, in the #36 spot.

Fast forwarding to this year, Money’s 2012 #7 pick, Reston, is an award-winning planned community in the northern part of Fairfax County, VA.

Reston VA is in the northern part of Fairfax County

Reston VA is in the northern part of Fairfax County

Money selected Reston based on its many amenities, diversity of housing choices, and its accessibility to major employment centers (Tysons Corner, Washington, DC, the Dulles Technology Hub, and Reston itself).

Perhaps Money read our blog post from a few months back, when we featured Reston in our article: “5 Reasons to Love Reston VA”.  Well, maybe they didn’t read it, but it does feel good when our opinion from within the trenches gets validated by a sophisticated computer algorithm.  :)

Our 5 reasons for loving Reston are:

  1. Diverse housing options
  2. Extensive recreational opportunities: nature, parks, shopping
  3. Generous Job opportunities
  4. Strong Transportation infrastructure
  5. Good Public Schools

We wrote all about these 5 reasons on our previous article: 5 Reasons to Love Reston VA.  Click through to find out more.

Best Elementary Schools in Fairfax County

A few weeks ago, we identified the Top High Schools in Fairfax County VA based on US News’s State rankings.

This week, we’ve been inspired by Northern Virginia Magazine, with their Best Elementary Schools article.  Their article covers several Counties, and here, we are focusing on the best elementary schools in Fairfax County.

Fairfax County Schools: Best Elementary Schools

NoVa Magazine’s Best Elementary Schools

In Northern Virginia magazine’s article, their staff poured through the School Report cards available on the Virginia Department of Education to extract the following four elements to determine their “Best Elementary Schools” list: Continue Reading…

5 Reasons to Love Reston VA

Statue of Robert E. Simon (Reston Founder) at Lake Anne

Reston Founder at Lake Anne

How can one not love a town which has everything – including a couple of Elementary Schools named “Armstrong” and “Aldrin” (after Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin, two of the most famous astrounauts in the history of mankind)?

About Reston VA

Reston, VA was conceived in the 1960s by Robert E. Simon (see picture to the right for a bronze statue of him at Reston’s Lake Anne) as a planned community located on the northwest end of Fairfax, VA.   As a planned community, Reston has been carefully designed to allow office space, housing, schools, shopping and recreational areas to co-exist in harmony.

People who live, work, and visit Reston VA love it because of its:

1. Diverse housing options
2. Extensive recreational opportunities / nature / shopping
3. Job opportunities
4. Transportation infrastructure
5. Good schools

Let’s look at them one by one: Continue Reading…

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