So, who’s going to win the football championship this year?

My predictions last year were on the right track…
Last year, I predicted (ahem… hoped) that the Denver Broncos would win. They didn’t quite win, but they got very close, so my prediction wasn’t very far off. 
In terms of real estate, I also made a couple of predictions
I predicted that home prices would change, which they did, and thankfully we only saw a modest increase.
My other prediction was that interest rates would most likely rise, which they did. But the great news is that they are down again (at least in the short term)!
And what’s going to happen this year?
My real estate predictions for 2015
We’re in a similar situation as last year at this time, with great interest rates and stable home prices.
But, what will the rest 2015 bring?
That, nobody knows.
Last year, we started the year with a lot of activity in the late winter months (January and February) and we all thought that we would have a busy year.
But then, it turned out that we had an unseasonal deluge of winter weather in March and April. Those few storms seem to have frozen the real estate market because things were very quiet in 2014- in contrast to our usually very busy Spring time.
How’s the real estate market looking like for 2015?
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